The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights is an international organization of young people committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels.

Learn about YCSRR’s advocacy for intersectional, youth-led CSE policy, curriculum design, implementation and accountability across all spheres.
Read about how we advoate for increased awareness of the specific safe abortion access barriers that all young people and adolescents face, particularly those that have been marginalized.
We advocate for the recognition of young people as experts in their own realities! Youth-led, youth-driven advocacy needs to be recognized & integrated in global, regional and national spaces.
We need bold, transformative, youth-centered analysis and actions that foreground the impact of climate change on SRHR, particularly for young people in the Global South.
We prioritize the bodily autonomy of marginalized young people as central to strategic SRHR policy initiatives, including the SRHR aspect of the HIV response.