Toolkits & advocacy resources
Below you will find a compilation of available guides, manuals, toolkits, and reports created by young people at YCSRR on different aspects of sexual and reproductive health & rights. Feel free to use these resources in your own advocacy!
A Toolkit on Bodily Autonomy According to Young People (2023)
The ABC of Bodily Autonomy for Youth with Disabilities (2023)
Manifesto on Meaningful Youth Engagement for Youth with Disabilities (2023)
CSE barriers roadmap (2021)
Chemsex Resource Guide (2021)
Guide de ressources sur le chemsex (2021)
High-Level Meeting on HIV / AIDS: Advocacy Toolkit (2021)
Self-Care Guide for Activists (2021)
Digital Feminist Safe[r] Spaces: A Constructive Analysis (2021)
A Youth Activist’s Guide to Sexual and Reproductive Rights (2006)
Position Papers & Factsheets
Factsheet: Barriers for trans youth to access SRHR (2021)
Statement: Our recent Concerns on SRHR (2023)