Repro rights are human rights!
Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are inherent human rights that are inalienable to every human being, including young people. Young people’s enjoyment of their sexual and reproductive health must be free of coercion, violence, discrimination, or any other form of limitation.
Intersecting forms of oppression differentially impact individuals occupying diverse social identities. An intersectional feminist approach is integral to the full achievement of every individual’s human rights, including SRHR.
Meaningful youth engagement
Young people have valuable contributions to make to society and must be recognized as experts of their own experiences in all policy and decision-making processes. Therefore, meaningful youth participation is essential to ensure that SRHR programs and policies address the realities, concerns, and priorities of all young people.
young people must be adequately funded
Programs and interventions that safeguard and advance young people’s SRHR must be fully funded and supported with adequate resources.
Universal health coverage for all
Sexual and reproductive health and rights are critical components of universal health coverage and an essential aspect that must be integrated into primary health care. Universal health coverage and primary health care must be accessible, available, and tailored to the needs of diverse populations, particularly young people.
Comprehensive Sexuality education
Young people’s access to comprehensive sexuality education, youth-friendly services, and SRHR information is vital for safeguarding and promoting the life, health, and well-being of all young people.
SAFE Abortion
All people have the right to safe, accessible, and stigma-free abortion(s), information, and services, including post-abortion care.
Sex work is work
Sex workers have the right to enjoy their fundamental human rights and freedoms, including SRHR and to work in an environment free of violence and stigma.
Support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Sexual orientation, sexual characteristics, and gender identity and expression are integral parts of the personal identity of all human beings, including young people.
stigma-free access to healthcare
All people have the right to access sexual, reproductive, mental, and general healthcare - including gender affirmation surgeries and hormone replacement therapies - in a stigma-free and LGBTQIA+ friendly context provided by trained professionals.