Camila ontiveros (she/her)
Country: mexico
Gender equality, feminism, mental health education, Human Rights, SRR, youth empowerment and inclusive education.
Born and raised in México, Camila Ontiveros is an International Relations student at theUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, who started her work giving conferences about addictions and the impact they have in the family system after receiving her diploma in this topic. Continuing with her work, she founded her own Girl Up club and started advocating for woman’s rights, mental health and sexual and reproductive rights for the young girls in her state and country and later in Latin America. She continues her work now as the Regional Focus Point of Central America in UNITE 2030, where she started as youth delegate, then track leader for the group “Female Changemakers” and now as an ambassador for her region.
She speaks native Spanish, English and is now studying French and Portuguese. Camila loves to read, draw, paint and listen to music.